Tuesday 17 April 2012

True Friendship...

Today I was doing some cleaning up and I found these. Yes, they are my box of letters/cards from way back in high school. I've kept them over these years and whenever I feel sad or depressed, I would usually pull out this box and start reading these letters to remind myself of the person that I am and suddenly I'd feel so much better. Whilst going through this box today, I realized that some of the people that wrote these letters to me are not in my life anymore. The saying "Friends come and go" is such a true saying. I mean, when you make a new friend and you develop a relationship with them, you don't expect it to end at all...but sometimes when a person leaves your life, it could be a betterment for you. You'll realize that you didn't really mean anything to them and that you don't need them in your life anyway. During the last few years, I've lost many friends but I've also gained a few. I don't need many friends, not a million, not a thousand and not a hundred, but just a few that are real is more than enough for me!

I realize that some people are only in your life until someone else or something better comes along. When I started university, some of my friends only kept in contact when I contacted them. Of course, university means "no life" with projects, group work, assignments, papers etc... plus I was working part-time and I still made time to call or message, but because I had no time to hang out with them, they abandoned me, so I guess I wasn't that important to them anyway. Friendship goes both ways and if you really care about someone, you'd respect their choices and their life. 

True friendship is being there for that person no matter what the circumstance. For example, sometimes I don't see my friends in months, but that doesn't mean we don't keep in contact, we call, we message and when we have time, we make a "date" and hang out for the day whether it's just the two of us or a group.... the point is, we all have separate lives, some are working and currently furthering their education and I'm working. Sometimes I'm free and they're not but I understand that. What I'm trying to say is, if your friendship is a true one, it wouldn't fall apart for anyone or anything. I learned that people do come in your life for a reason and sometimes they come for a season but the true friends are the ones who'll stick by your side no matter what. I do thank God for the few friends that I have and I know are real. As I said, I'd rather have a few "REAL" friends than have a million "FAKE" ones. A friend is someone who knows the real "you" but love you for who you are anyway, they don't try to change you into someone they want you to be. If they do, then they don't belong in your life at all.

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